My story….

Who are you?

Hello all! I’m ABA, a belly dancing, naturopathic school teacher who is obsessed with chillin out with a good book. I find few things more relaxing than reading outside with the sun kissing my skin and I figured starting a blog showcasing my favorite books would bring me one step closer to reading on the beach more often.

Why start a blog about Black books?

I have been dreaming of starting a blog for years and I finally decided to go for it, taking it on as a project after a hectic school year as a special education teacher in a public elementary school. I know that other teachers out there can relate to what I mean: 2022 was quite a year.

During this summer, I’ve had some time to relax and get back into my favorite past-time: reading! I wanted to shed more light on the amazing love stories that I read about Black couples and I hope you’ll join me in that journey. We have so many amazing stories to tell and I feel that my commentary on them will bring even greater success to these amazing authors.

Reading takes me to another world and I don’t always have anyone around to chat with about these books with their unique characters, so I decided a blog was my best bet. I look forward to sharing my two cents and providing more popularity for the amazing authors that I have grown to love and learned so much from. From romance to mystery to self-help, you’ll find my take on it and I want to hear yours to. I dream of growing this blog into an entire community for readers and authors alike.

So….what’s the plan for this whole blog project thingy?

I dream of having conferences for bloggers, as well as more online spaces for Black creators. There is nothing like getting together with likeminded people to gain ideas and encouragement. We all have different takes on things and I have found it difficult to find perspectives of people who look like me. Like many other things, I decided to create my own space.

This whole process, from finding a name to determining the best way to get the most eyes on my blog was quite a journey. I truly thought blogging was all about writing whatever you wanted, but it turns out there is more to it than that. I will be sharing what I learned along with way, so that others will have a chance to successfully share their words with the world, as well.

Join me, Melinated Readers and lovers of all things melinated!

~ABA of the Black Book Space.

“Do what you love from a place of love.” ABA

Chat with me

Feel free to reach out with any ideas you may have. I love to chat. Reach out to