7 Reasons to Blog about Books

I’ve always loved a good book!

Check out 7 reasons why below…

I can’t remember a time where I didn’t find comfort in a good book. I love getting swept away in a great story and wondering what it’s really like to get to know a character. As a self-acclaimed nerd, learning new things from books truly adds immense pleasure and joy to my life, so starting a blog about reading books was a natural choice.

When I read, I feel so calm. Time truly gets away from me, however I want to share my love of these books with others. I want others to experience what I am experiencing, to feel what I’m feeling. I want to know how others are interpreting the words that I read, how they are transformed by the words on the page. If you feel the sappy way that I do about reading, here are seven more reasons you may consider starting a book blog.

1)    If you get excited to talk about books but are still looking for people to share them with, a book blog may be the answer.

I love to read, and I don’t always want to share what I’m reading with others, because I don’t want to spoil the juicy parts. With blogging, I get to edit what I’m saying. I read things over to determine if I’ve gone too far or shared too much.

Blogging can be a way to share your thoughts for an audience that you choose. People who read your blog may come and go or stick around for a while; those that stick around love what you have to say and won’t roll their eyes when you’re talking about yet another “sappy” romance novel or “cheesy” mystery book.

Reading brings me so much peace and joy!

  Share the passion of your favorite books with the world by starting your own book blog.

2)     If you get excited when the next installment of a book drops, you many need to start a book blog.

  I don’t always know when new books are coming out, so I’m usually pleasantly surprised. Get on some mailing lists for various bookstores and they will keep you in the loop.

  I love following the stories and adventures that characters are placed in by their creative authors. I need to know what happens next in the installments; I love reminiscing on how they’ve changed from one book to the next.

I also love to know that I am supporting people’s dreams by purchasing their books. I feel like I’m doing my part to change the world for the better.

3)    If you’re an aspiring author, why not start a book blog?

I’ve always dreamed of writing a book. Have you? Do you enjoy spinning stories and manipulating the written word? I feel that blogging is a great way to start. I definitely hope to write a book someday; I’ve penned a few short stories and books of poetry in the past and derived great joy from it.

  As soon as I determine the secret sauce, please believe I’ll write an ebook on the easiest way to start a lucrative book blog. I’ve found it to be a pretty elusive topic, thus far.

  An author is one who writes a book, article, or report, which means those who write blogs are considered authors! Creating a blog allows you to write without the hassle of searching for a publisher and all the other things that come with writing a book, but the research skills that you gain from crafting blog posts may lead you the direction of all the tools you need to achieve this goal.

Are you obsessed with a particular genre of books? Mine is romance!

4)     If there’s a genre of books that you are obsessed with, why not blog about it?

Yes! Bring that passion to the webpage! Personally, I love romance novels out of all the genres in the world, but I enjoy mystery and self-help, as well. I truly need to expand my literary horizons, but it’s a little difficult when there are so many amazing romance novels that I have yet to read. Check out a few of my favorites here.

  I’m blogging about these books to show my appreciation for them, in hopes that others will grow to love them, as well. This blog will cover all types of genres by authors of the African diaspora, including spirituality, one of my other passions that I am so stoked to delve further into.

5)    If there’s a genre of books that you’d love to see get more attention, then blogging about it may do just that.

  When I search the web for “romance novels” I want to see more of a variety than what I am currently seeing. All cultures are romantic, but unfortunately, some books get more attention than others. I want to see Black authors get more credit for their work, which is how this blog came about. When I first started, I faced a lot of difficulty; it was hard to find keywords that included “black romance novels” in the list, though people are searching for this topic on a regular basis.

  I don’t think it’s my responsible to change the world’s bias, as their ignorance is their problem. I’m choosing to use my love of Black love and authorship to bring more attention to those topics.

6)   If you’ve wanted to start reading more, then blogging about books will literally force you to do so.

  I believe all blog topics require you to read, but a book blog may do so more than others. Many of us strive to get our blogs monetized, so by writing a book blog, you’d be getting paid to read books, which is one of my literal dreams.

  If you want to, you can set a reading goal that will keep you on track with your blogging. I’ll be reading new books and critiquing those that I’ve read in the past.

If only you know how excited I am to discover new authors through this blog

7)    If you’re obsessed with both reading and writing, then you should definitely consider starting a book blog.

I am a HUGE nerd and I have always loved reading and writing, so this was a natural choice for me. I knew that I wanted to blog about books, even more than my other passion, which is dance. At some point, I will be starting a blog for my dance company, but I wanted to start this blog and see it through, first. This is not the first book blog that I have started, but this time, I did plenty of research before starting it. I still have a lot to learn about book blogging, but what a pleasant journey it is destined to be!

  Starting a book blog will allow you to fulfill your passions of both reading and writing. You can choose which books you’d like to read, though keyword research is very important, as well as how you will write about them. You’ll be writing for others, yet you won’t be graded, which is great!

  Those were just a few reasons of why you should consider starting a book blog. We’re all unique with our own voices and we find our tribe by sharing that uniqueness with others. I’d love to hear what stories you choose to share. .

Here are two of my favorite books. Stay tuned to see what I have to say about them in a few weeks.





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