Farrah Rochon and her epic Black Romances

I love romance novels. They are filled with beautiful story lines and steamy scenes that are sure to take your breath away, not to mention the witty banter between characters that is sure to keep you laughing. I stumbled upon Farrah Rochon while at Barnes and Noble one day and she quickly become one of my favorite authors. I love the way she weaves a story.

You can check out which book I love the best from her by watching this video:

In The Hookup Plan, we have Dr. London Kelley who is searching for the perfect way to let of some steam from her stressful job. Like many Black women, she is everyone's champion and it begins to take a toll on her health; she even passes out at work one day, which was very embarrassing, as she was right in the middle of telling someone off.

This book explores the possibility of becoming lovers after years of longing from one party and years of loathing from the other. Can you guess who's who? The great news is, you don't have to! You can read the book!

I enjoyed this book because it had a beautiful ending and it gave some much needed closure for all of the ladies in the series. To see how it all started, you'll need to check out The Boyfriend Project, but why stop there? Check out the whole series!


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