5 Hilarious Quotes from Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert

I touched on how much I am loving Talia Hibbert’s literary style in this previous post. This is my third book by her and not be a spoiler, but I had to tell you why she keeps me coming back. Her characters have a unique way of expressing themselves and trust me, you need this in your life.


1)     Jacob threw up his hands, clearly disgusted. “Are you flirting with her?” he demanded of Mont.

“Of course he is,” Eve said pleasantly. “I’m delicious.”

I loved this book! It’s definitely in my top five reads this year.

I adored this statement from Eve because it summed up her personality. Though she’s going through a tough time, she doesn’t lack self-esteem and she knows she has a lot to offer beyond her good looks. In this statement, she seems to be saying, “Who the hell wouldn’t flirt with all of this?!” and I love that for her!!

Y’all, even if you haven’t said this, you should be thinking this about yourself, just like Eve!


2)     After all that, Jacob decided the most sensible thing he could do was lie very still and make sure he wasn’t dead.

This quote comes from a very hilarious passage that changes the trajectory of the entire book. Poor Jacob had been badly injured and there was no turning back from this point; the way the author chose to describe it was quite unique and hilarious, though I have to admit that it’s quite morbid for me to admit such a thing.


When asked what was wrong with her, our heroine, Eve, replied with the simple comment,


3)Several things.


I lost it! It’s possible that we’ve heard variations of this before, but in this case, once you get to know Eve you realize that she was speaking in all seriousness, which somehow, made the comment even funnier. Though she often attempts to hide her thoughts and innermost fears and flaws, they often come up in little comments like these, where Eve can’t help but to be honest.


I love books that are laced with amazing description and Talia Hibbert did not hold back in this one. I could imagine every scene as if I was right there with the characters, trying to make myself useful, yet be entertained at the same time. To describe our main characters movements, the author wrote,


4)As they staggered to their feet together, Eve fluttered around like an especially annoying, orange butterfly. “What shall I do?” she asked. “He’s driving you—what shall I do?”


 This was undoubtedly the scene from Jacob’s perspective, as he was quite angry with Eve in this particular moment. The two eventually warm up to each other. Here’s another funny moment where they were almost friends:


5)Jacob cocked his head, watching her steadily. “You keep zoning out of this conversation. Have you suffered a blow to the head too, or do you find me that boring?”

Treat yourself to a good book.

This book is definitely one of the funniest I’ve read all year.


The man is nothing if not blunt.


I truly enjoyed this book and I see myself reading it again in the future, undoubtedly laughing at all the same parts again. Don’t worry, I didn’t give them all away. I hope my little list convinced you to grab yourself a copy of this book. Act Your Age, Eve Brown is an amazing story with great representation, a unique storyline, and too many instances of humor to count. Check it out for yourself!








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