Book topics that I wish I could find by Black authors

I'm a huge fan of romance novels, but I always have a few other books handy. I wish this society did a better job of promoting Black authors across genres. Since I'm apart of society, I suppose I can do it myself. ;)

I love self-help, but more specifically I am a fanatic when it comes to the law of attraction. I do all the scripting and mirror work that my mind can handle and then some. I have learned a lot from several different authors, but I truly wish there were more books on this topic from the Black perspective. How does one manifest and remain in the "wish fulfilled" when racism is evident around you? What really can be done to combat the negative images of us on television? Do cultural norms play a role when it comes to manifestation?

I also want to see more books on the occult by Black authors because that, along with so many things, comes from us. It may well be that I am relying on too many book stores in the United States and need to broaden my horizons. Many Caribbean cultures work those secrets into everyday life and it's their general norm. It has been used to overthrow governments and make massive changes, which is most likely why it is so feared on this side of the pond.

It is a form of resistance and we love that over here.

I need to dabble in the science fiction genre a lot more. Octavia Butler is a beautiful example in that genre and I need to add some more of her titles to my list. I love being whisked away into other realms and time traveling, so it's time I picked up some of those books.

Midnight and Indigo is a great collection of stories by Black female authors. Get on their mailing list!

Fantasy is definitely a great genre, but who is writing it for adults? I'm a young adult, but when I think of the true audience for the YA genre, it's the students that I teach. Is anyone writing fantasy for us adults?

It looks like this article has given me some food for thought. I need to branch out beyond the Barnes and Noble book shelves and do some research of my own. I want to read more books by Black authors in the nonfiction and fiction genre and the mainstream is all about stocking the shelves with what sells, which is counterproductive for us; we don't normally buy things that we know nothing about.

This has sparked yet another train of thought: do we fear the backlash that comes with stepping outside of the "box" of our culture? Are we afraid of being ostracized for writing about other deities?

So many questions...


How to Find More Time For Reading


This book is so good...I'm reading it TWICE!