How to Find More Time For Reading

Reading is important, but as we get older, we may not read as much as we used to. I make sure to get in some reading each day, because I find it relaxing and I'm always looking to learn something new.

One of the ways that I ensure that I'm always getting in reading in my spare time is to bring a book with me wherever I go. When going out to meet a friend or run errands, you never know when you'll be waiting around for a while, so why not pop out a book? I read in the checkout line rather than scrolling on my phone quite often. It's like taking a mini vacation away from the hustle and bustle of the grocery store.

I love to eat out at restaurants. When I don't have anyone to join me, I bring a book along and read. It is such a great time and I always enjoy myself. It's a great way to catch up on reading.

I find few things more relaxing than reading a good book!

I have a daily checklist where I'm reading a certain book each day. I can't check off the task until I do the reading, so it keeps me accountable. It helps me to develop the habit of reading for personal development. When we commit to healty habits for ourselves, we commit to living a life of abundance. Reading each day is a treat for me and it also draws attention to Black authors!

What are some ways that you incorporate reading into your day?

Check out this video of how I read about 52 books per year.


Three Books by Black Authors that I'll Never Forget


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