How to become an author: an interview with Michelle Stimpson

I recently joined an amazing Facebook group that is filled to the brim with Black authors and book lovers. In this group, I am not only filling my online carts and Goodreads wish-lists with books to read, but I am also connecting with other like-minded people who adore books as much as I do.

Once such person is Michelle Stimpson, the author of Sisters with a Side of Greens. I love a good backstory and with this interview, I was able to get the inside scoop of how she started writing and even some advice she has for those looking to start writing professionally.

The book Sisters with a Side of Greens, is actually able to be ordered for the first time TODAY! Grab yourself a copy while you can!

Let’s dive in!

Grab a copy of this book and support this amazing author!

1) What inspired you to begin writing? I can’t really say what came first for me—reading or writing. But I can say that I’ve always loved doing both, and it seemed a natural fit for me to write. Serious writing for therapeutic purposes started with journaling. My mother had a car accident when I was 12, and I believe was divinely led to journaling to help me through the changes our family endured. Thankfully, my mother recovered, but I kept on journaling because it was what I knew to be a constant in my life. It wasn’t until later that I realized journaling was preparing me to write books and to tell sharp stories from first person POV. All those hours spent telling my side of the story in my journals helped me tell a character’s side of the story with strong voice and authenticity. 

2) How is your book representing you as a person?

This book is really two sides of me. There’s Rose, who is mid-life and re-evaluating her career and family choices. Rose wants an adventure. And then there’s her sister, Marvina, who finds comfort in tradition and spirituality. Those two clash over their mother’s secret spice recipe as well as how things actually occurred in the past. Rose and Marvina are both trying to make peace with two very different but valid perspectives, and I find myself there often as well. It makes me think of the term “Sankofa” from the Akan people of Ghana, which means to go back and get what is still useful while at the same time moving ahead. 

3) How often do you sit down to write? 

This is a fun question because, in my mind, I’m always writing. I’m always thinking of plot twists, arguing with characters, and wondering about the plot even though I usually have a solid outline before I begin writing a novel. My struggle is often how to “turn off” the writing. But in terms of actually sitting down at a computer to write, I do that almost every day when I’m writing a novel. When I’m not writing a novel (which may be a few weeks or a month between the last novel), I’m still writing content, newsletters and such. And I write in my journal almost every day. 

4) What advice do you have for future authors? 

Here is the lovely Michelle Stimpson, who agreed to tell us her story today. Support her by purchasing a copy of her book and telling the world that you did so! Visit her website at

This is an exciting career that has many opportunities. Don’t limit yourself to just writing books - there are many other ways to connect with people, many other income streams to connect to writing books. Speaking, film consulting, coaching—all viable ways to be in this industry. What it comes down to more than anything is consistency. As a writer, I sometimes struggle with it all because (by nature) I’m more of an introvert. But with proper self-care and recharging in silence, I can get “out there” more, especially when I ask for help. 

5) Tell us your top three favorite authors? Ooh! This is so hard, because I usually adore the author of the book I’m reading on any given day! But since you’re making me narrow it down to three: J. California Cooper, bell hooks, and Vanessa Miller.

6) How can we support you? Thanks so much for asking! Pick up a copy of Sisters with a Side of Greens as soon as you possibly can! The first few weeks of sales are so important, as they build the momentum for a book’s long-term success. Check me out online at:, and tell a friend! 

So there you have it! Michelle Stimpson, an author of over fifty short stories and independent film producer, has laid out her story of how she became an author. She is a gem in our community and I’m so grateful that our paths have crossed, as it inspires me, not only to keep writing on my dear, beloved blog, but to also be more intentional with my journaling. In fact, Ms. Stimpson offers journaling courses on a pretty regular basis.

We can learn so much from each other when it comes to writing and established authors are the best people to learn from, in my opinion. They tell stories that make us think, celebrate, and even cry! Now that I have connected with Michelle Stimpson, I feel like a whole new literary world has opened up for me and I hope that you do, too.

It looks like I’ve found a book that will break my romance novel streak. 😉

Grab a copy of this book as soon as you can; it just so happened to be released on Amazon today!!


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