Five Unique Places to Find Books By Black Authors

Where can I find books by Black authors?

This is a question that I see on a regular basis and I want to address it. It is my mission to encourage the world to read more books by Black authors in order to dive into the nuances of our culture.

When it comes to finding books by Black authors, it helps to have a few authors in mind, then head to the library or bookstore. Brenda Jackson and Beverly Jenkins are two of the most famous when it comes to romance, so I head straight for the J's in either Barnes and Noble or my local library or Half Price Bookstore.

Simply walking through the store, you're bound to find a book with a Black face on the front, letting you know that you're in the section that you've been searching for.

Books by Black authors

Zane is another very popular author who has penned several erotic fiction books. Traveling into any bookstore, you are bound to find some books by her, along with Eric Jerome Dickey and Farrah Rochon, to name a couple more. I don't know about you all, but it's hard for me to treat myself to one just one book at a time.

Online is an excellent place to find books by Black authors, specifically Instagram and Pinterest. With Pinterest, a well-known search engine, it is easy to find books and their covers to peruse, without spending money. Simply add them to your TBR board and come back for them later. Pinterest is a great place to follow other bloggers and book enthusiasts with similar tastes in genre. Instagram is a great place to follow your favorite authors and bloggers, alike. Check out other books that they recommend to keep your TBR list nice and long.

It’s easy to find books by Black authors. The more of them you read, the more you’ll discover.

Do you have a favorite author? Tell us about them!

Check out my book reviews for inspiration on what books I recommend. This blog is all about celebrating books by Black authors, a fact that I am immensely proud of. I also have quite a few videos on Youtube that give insight into books that have brought me joy and changed my life.


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