How to get paid to read books

There are times where I feel as if going to work is for the birds...or at least for someone other than myself. I feel as if there is too much unnecessary foolishness going on outside of my houser for me to leave it. Between the wild traffic, disrespectful children, and coworkers that allegedly sleep at work, I would much rather stay at home and read a good book, so I had to research some ways that I could do so, while still feeding my penchant for nice things and food.

How does one get paid to read books?

The most obvious way is to start a book blog, however while at work, I realized how much I enjoy reading to others. I'm sure that there are companies that would pay you to read books to others. If you had a soure of passive income, such as running a Youtube channel or selling low tech items online, you could spend your time volunteering to read to others. This would be such a relaxing way to spend the day.

There are several websites that purchase videos from people that can be added as b-roll. Sit out and read, take a video of yourself doing it, and sell your video to one of those companies.

I have a few more ways that you can make money reading outlined in this video:

Check out a few ways you can get paid to read books!!


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