Alise R. Pulliam: An Author Interview

I'm thrilled to make the acquaintance of this author and I know you will be, too. There's nothing like getting inspired by someone who truly enjoys the art of storytelling. Let's see what she had to share with us.

1. What inspired you to begin writing?

I am from a family of storytellers. When we all get together it's hard to tell the true stories from the made-up ones... Often it's a little of both lol.

Even as a teenager, I would write poetry and short stories based on the people around me. One of my favorite ways to pass the time has always been to people-watch. I get a kick out of imagining and making up whole stories about what's going on in a person's life based on their look, walk, mannerisms, and overall interaction with the world from my point of view. Writing has always been therapeutic, a way to escape and it has also been a passion that I am finally able to explore.

2. How is your book representing you as a person?

Triggered Aggression reveals that people are not perfect, even if they appear to be. We are all flawed to various degrees, and I love capturing the imperfections. People are so complex, never entirely good or bad. I am intrigued when my dynamic character, who is viewed as mostly good, does something bad or when the evil character falls in love.

Look at our lovely author, Alise R. Pulliam!!

Lastly, I believe that we all have an untapped inner strength that can pull us through our darkest moments. When Joelle, the protagonist in Triggered Aggression, uncovers the truth, her revelation mimics real life (in an extreme way).

3. How often do you sit down to write?

Unfortunately, I am not as disciplined as I would like to be. Triggered Aggression took years to write because I would go months without writing. Luckily, I was able to take a sabbatical from work. During that year off, I set an aggressive goal to write 1000 words a day, some I was able to use and some I was not. After I wrote the climax of the story, however, I felt super creative and was able to go back and tie the details together.

Check out the cover of this psychological thriller. It simultaneously creeps me out and pulls me in!!!

4. Tell us your top three or four favorite authors.

I love thrillers and mysteries, S A Cosby, James Patterson, Toni Morrison, and Frieda McFadden are my favorites. Since I have discovered indie authors like myself, I deliberately seek them out. There is a whole world of great books from the black perspective, with black characters that we never hear about and that will never make the best sellers list. Like everything else, book publishing companies do not cater to minorities on a large scale.

5. How can we support you?

Support black authors, dollars speak the language. Intentionally buy black indie authors and write reviews.

Personally, I am SO excited to read this book, as I am a big fan of psychological thrillers, although you wouldn’t know it by the way that I fawn over romance novels. This book is going to help me break my sappy streak!


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