Interview with Black Thriller Author, Sharhonda Exantus

Many of us are “crime junkies.” We love the mysteries that unfold in a good mystery show or novel and while I am most obsessed with romance novels by Black authors, I can get completely swept away by a well-written mystery novel. Because of this, I am absolutely so excited to have crossed paths with Sharhonda Exantus, author of the novel Sins of the Lines.

1) Tell us your backstory, as I LOVE a good backstory: what got you into writing?

I have always been an avid reader and I enjoy writing, but I never thought I would publish a book. I've always enjoyed reading other people's stories, but writing my own seemed like such a wild idea to me that I never thought I could pull it off. In 2017, I was on maternity leave after having my daughter, and an idea came to me that I thought would make an interesting story and I just started writing. That idea grew and formed the basis for my debut novel, Sins of the Lines. I'm a mystery/crime/thriller junkie, so writing a domestic suspense book was right up my alley, and I truly enjoyed watching the story come to life.

2) What inspires you to keep writing?

Sharhonda Exantus standing at the Jax Urban Book Fair. I cannot WAIT to dive into this book!!

Writing is my passion, and it is the one thing that I absolutely love to do. I want to tell stories that get readers hooked, and that's what inspires me to keep writing. Whenever I get feedback from readers, it fuels me to keep going!

3) Give us a sneak peak into your book. What was your favorite scene to write?

My book, Sins of the Lines, is about a missing college student, Nia Bryant, who disappears just hours before her probate show. The book follows her best friend, Tori, and the two detectives who are working her case. The more they dig, the more secrets they uncover about Nia and others in her life. My favorite scene to write was the candlelight vigil that was held on the college campus for Nia. That scene was a major turning point in the book, and it challenged me because I had to write from the point of view of three different characters. Writing Evie's part for that scene was the most thrilling.

4) How often do you get to sit down and write?

Make it stand out

Sharhonda Exantus is the author of Sins of the Lines: A Gripping Domestic Suspense Novel. Always having been an avid reader, one day she decided to try her hand at writing and what treat she has given us!

That's a good question haha! I work fulltime as a pharmacist and I also have three kids, so not as often as I'd like. I am trying to get better at it, though. During the week, I try to write at least 30 minutes a day. On the weekends, I can usually get in a few hours of solid writing.

5) What advice would you give to new authors?

The best advice I can give new authors is to just be consistent, even when it feels impossible. Sometimes it'll feel like it'll never happen, but it can...and it will. Write a little each day, even if it's just a few sentences. Those sentences turn into chapters and chapters turn into books.

6) How can we best support you in all of your writing endeavors?

I think the best way you can support authors is by providing feedback. If there's a particular book that resonated with you, take the time to leave a review. Tell other readers in your book clubs and reading groups. If there's something that you think could've been better, provide constructive feedback. We are constantly growing and trying to be better at what we do, and I believe that the readers are the best teachers!


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