Finding Love as a Black women: An Interview with Ms. J. Khan

1) What was your inspiration behind your book?
All my "single friends" were my main inspiration- empowering women to take control of their romantic lives by helping them identify and articulate their desires. Visualization and self-reflection are tools, the workbook empowers women to actively pursue the type of partner they truly want, rather than settling for what society or the media dictates. Many people enter the dating world without a clear understanding of what they truly want in a partner. I think some people spend more time planning their career or job opportunity or what they plan to eat for dinner, than they do planning romantic relationships. By encouraging women to visualize and define the characteristics they desire, the workbook helps them gain clarity and focus. This clarity can guide their actions and decisions, leading to more fulfilling relationships.

Society often bombards us with unrealistic standards of attractiveness and desirable traits in a partner. Through sincere self-reflection, the workbook prompts women to consider what qualities are genuinely important to them, rather than what they think they should want based on external influences. This process promotes authenticity in both self-perception and partner selection.

Engaging in visualization exercises and self-reflection can be a journey of personal growth. 

Relationship Success: Building a strong and fulfilling relationship requires compatibility and mutual understanding. By encouraging women to visualize the characteristics of their ideal partner and consider what they themselves can offer in return, the workbook promotes the development of healthy and balanced relationships. This focus on compatibility from the outset can increase the likelihood of relationship success in the long term.

When it comes to love, visualization is key!

2) Tell us about the premise of your book? Coloring for beauty, calmness and reflection. Engaging in visualization exercises and self-reflection can be a journey of personal growth. By examining your desires and evaluating what it would take to attract an ideal partner, women have an opportunity for introspection and self-improvement. The workbook may include exercises aimed at developing the qualities that make someone attractive on a deeper level, such as confidence, kindness, and emotional intelligence.
3) I noticed that your book speaks of visualization, which is one of my favorite things. What advice would you give to someone new to visualization? The best tip I can give is to practice often. At first you may need to let your "mind clutter" pass you by and rely on actual visual aids. (vision board) and then combine the feelings with images in your mind's eye.  Engaging in visualization exercises and self-reflection can be a journey of personal growth. By examining their desires and evaluating what it would take to attract their ideal partner, women have an opportunity for introspection and self-improvement.

In this picture, the author advises us to “rest in the garden of the mind’s eye.” What a beautiful concept!

4) How do you envision your book to be used by those who purchase it? I envision the books being filled with color and words of dreams of the future and affirmations. Really fine-tuning the partner they would like to have be a part of their life.
5) How can we best support you as an author? Please buy my book on Amazon, color the pages, take a pic and leave a review.  THANK YOU FOR reading! 


Interview with Black Thriller Author, Sharhonda Exantus