The Epic Book Chat Volume I: Seven Days in June by Tia Williams

It’s official: I have put on my first event for The Black Book Space, my beloved blog that celebrates books by Black authors. Like most things I do, the idea came out of nowhere, yet was something I had wanted to do for a while; I’ve dreamed of the idea of creating a fancy book club for many years and I have finally begun making the strides towards this. I am thrilled beyond belief that it came out so beautifully!

Check out the flyer from our event!

Let me set the scene: there were snacks, a beautiful studio space, and ladies who had read a book that they thoroughly enjoyed. With all different perspectives, as a couple of the ladies who joined us have immense literary backgrounds, we sat and discussed the book for about an hour and a half over some delicious salads and various other snacks.

You had to have been there! Check out what some of my guests had to say about it.

The purpose of the Epic Book Chat was to celebrate this book for what it was: an amazing literary work of a genre that we were not able to agree on. According to some of the ladies, it did not meet the characteristics of a romance novel. Based on what I’ve read, there was some pretty romantic parts, so I had to disagree. Seven Days in June was a rather sad romance, but it was steamy, nontheless and that, my friends, is all you need to have a romance novel, in my opinion.

Just kidding! It was far deeper than that and of course, romance novels are far more than sexual encounters.

Tia Williams did an epic job with the book Seven Days in June and that was why her book was chosen as the first one for The Epic Book Chat.

I envision the Epic Book Chat becoming a massive movement that will be talked about months after it ends, where people are looking forward to the next one. It looks like my dream has truly come true, as people are already grabbing tickets to the next one, which can be purchsed on Eventbrite, or right here!

I’m looking forward to chatting about our next book, The Other Black Girl. Grab your copy here and start reading so that you’ll be ready to chat about it.


Seven Days in June by Tia Williams


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