The Ritual of Writing: 5 Questions for an Author with Nathan Jarelle

I had the honor of interviewing the amazing author Nathan Jarelle and I am so excited to share with you some of his insight as a successful author.

1) I can tell you have a real passion for writing. When did you first discover this passion?


I first discovered my passion for writing as a teenager. I was enriched by storytelling and wanted to learn how to write my own books. I studied English in college so that I could learn the elements of writing. It was a great investment of my time.


2) What inspires you to write and publish your work?

Nathan Jarelle is the

author of the Beyond Poetry series.

He has enjoyed writing since his teenage years!


I enjoy storytelling and sharing my work with people. I think through books we learn just how similar we are.

3) Tell us about your ideal audience for which your books are written.


My ideal audience is for readers of the urban fiction genre. Then again, that audience continues to expand as more readers are becoming aware of Beyond Poetry. It’s the story of young, Black teen who grieves through poetry after his brother is killed in a crossfire between rival gang members. The thing about audiences is that people (regardless of who they are) can get behind a book with a good message. So far, my books have delivered on this promise, and I hope to continue doing so.  



4) As an educator, I’ve often wondered about this question and would love your take on it: How do you think teachers and administrators can help students become stronger authors?


Writing. Writing. Writing. Immerse yourself into the craft.


Check out the Beyond Poetry series!

 5) Do you have any rituals that you do before beginning to write that you’d be willing to share and recommend to our audience?


My only ritual is that I write pretty much every day. I seldom take a day off from my craft. It feeds my spirit. It’s a big part of my day, and I can’t imagine going longer than a day or two without writing. A person heavy into their physical fitness finds it hard to skip a day at the gym. That’s me when it comes to the craft of writing. It’s like going to the gym. 

There you have it, folks! Nathan Jarelle has given aspiring authors some inspiration for the week. I love the fact that he fell in love with writing in his youth and now uses it as a tool to bring awareness to certain causes, as well as to bring people together. The fact that he believes writing is a tool that we can use to learn about each other really makes my heart smile. Nathan Jarelle is doing his part to make the world a better place by sharing his version of joy with the world.

For more information, check out his website at:


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