Top 7 Traits of a Good Story

As according to…. ME!!

There is so much to be said about an amazing book. A good book truly sweeps me away and I find few things more relaxing than reading a great book, however it’s hard to put into words what actually makes a book good. This week, I am challenging myself to come up with 7 of the best traits of a good book…. according to moi.

1)     I need to be able to identify with the characters in some way. The characters can’t be aggravating, unless they are the ones I’m supposed to dislike in solidarity with the main character.


Characters make a great story! I love dynamic characters with witty dialogue. These days, authors speak to so many things that real human beings deal with, including but not limited to mental health and even abuse! Some characters are quirky, some are spiritual, some are those that we “love to hate” and others are those that we truly identify with.

Reading books truly makes me so happy.

I consider taking the time out of my day to read as a form of self-care.

It's hard for me not to identify with the main character of stories written by and about Black women because that is the identity that I cherish more than anything.


My favorite type of character is an independent woman whose exchanges are filled with sarcasm, but is also a hopeless romantic. I love a funny character, like Eve in Act Your Age, Eve Brown and I definitely identify with intelligent characters like Naledi in A Princess in Theory. These types of characters truly make stories what they are.

2)      What is a story without good description? I want to be there with the character, feel what she’s feeling, think what she’s thinking. Paint the picture for me to see in my mind’s eye, so that I can disagree with the movie.

In romance novels, one of my favorite descriptions to look out for is that of the male protagonist. What does he look like? Let me see him because I KNOW he’s fine!! Give me a description that allows me to see these two characters so well that I can imagine what their children will look like.

I am loving the decision I made to start this book blog.

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Description can allow a story to move a long at a good pace, rather than too quickly. I love a slow burn type of story that moves along at a comfortable space and this is made more possible with great description.  

3)     Speaking of looks, the first thing that we all see on a book is a cover and I haven’t picked a book with two Black people on the front yet that I didn’t like. Whether cartoon-like or a cover featuring real-life models, the cover of a book gets me every time! I like to see what font has been chosen, as well as how the characters are positioned together. Will this book be full of too much drama for my taste?


I can and DO judge books by their cover because many local bookstores don’t have as many books penned by Black authors as they should and therefore, when I find a book featuring some Black faces, I take it with me and walk through the store until I find a few more. By the way, you won’t have that problem if you hop on amazing websites like Sscarlet’s web. Check out her story right here.

A good book keeps me turning the pages. It may teach me a little something, too. Yes….even romance novels have lessons!

Colorful book jackets get my attention the quickest. It’s like I’m being drawn in to pick it up and read the inside cover. I love cover art. In my opinion, it’s just as important as the story within the cover.


4)     I feel like I’m writing a book report here, but dare I say the setting matters, as well? The setting is almost like another character in the story. When an author writes a story set in their hometown, I just love it. They’re seeing these places in their minds eye and they’re allowing us to catch a glimpse of it, too.

I’ve lived several places, so if an author writes a book set in a place where I’ve lived, it has a special place in my heart. I always hope it lists a few of my favorite place and that the characters love them as much as I do. When it comes to the setting, everything goes back to the description. I love when the author describes the setting in such a way that we all feel like we’re at home.

5)     I’m a person that likes a bit of drama, but nothing too crazy; I don’t actively seek out books where characters experience grave tragedies, in fact, you may notice that I tend to stick to the frilly stuff, as I often read to escape some of the stressors of life. I dabble in mystery and thriller novels, but romance is where it’s at, most days of the week.


I’ve never read a book without some sort of conflict; the story revolves around how the characters solve the problems they are faced with. I’ve often considered writing a short story with an entirely positive, utopian story line because I think it would be a fun challenge, but in a sense I feel like most of us are looking for that drama factor.

Books give us both information and entertainment.

I’ve gained so much insight over the years from reading great books!

6)     Witty banter keeps me laughing in a good story. I adore an author that can whip up some good dialogue that adds to the story. Great dialogue is unique to certain characters, just like people in real life have their own way of expressing themselves. Reading dialogue is my way of getting to know a character and thus understanding their habits and even trying to predict how they’ll deal with certain situations.

7)   The idea of predictions brings me to my last and final trait that makes a good book, which is a surprise or twist that I didn’t see coming. I love an author who surprises us. Bring back a character from the first installment of the book or give a character a superpower.

Authors provide us with entertainment that is often unmatched. It is truly a gift to be able to create a scenario that a reader doesn’t see coming, which is why I am a proponent of mystery books and definitely need to a delve into a new one sooner rather than later.

That’s just my take on how I decide whether I truly enjoyed a book. I love to be swept away in its pages and there are several different manners in which I can be taken there. I admire authors and love books so very much. Thank you so much for taking this little journey with me, by reading my blog. I love writing book reviews! If you or someone you know is in need of a book review, check out my affordable services right here.


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