5 Profound Quotes from Black Authors

Today, I'm thrilled to share with you five quotes from Black authors that have the power to transform the way you think about life. These quotes are not only profound but also thought-provoking, touching on themes like self-care, abundance mindset, reclaiming history, and finding strength through relaxation. Let's dive into these empowering words of wisdom!

This first quotes comes from one of the most profound books I have ever read, Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey. It reads, "The portal opens when we slow down.” In this society, it has become common to be constantly doing things when we have been told we're human beings, not human doings. We wake up, leave our homes, work, then come home to get very little rest. Some of us may even find ourselves grinding on the weekends! Others of us may be hard-pressed to truly carve out any time at all for true rest and that is where this book comes in handy.

In this quote from Rest Is Resistance by Tricia Hersey, the importance of slowing down and embracing the present moment is emphasized. In a society that glorifies constant hustle, taking time to rest and reflect becomes a powerful act of resistance against the pressure to always be productive.

In another quote, Hersey goes on to say, "This space makes you falsely believe that there is not enough of everything - not enough money, not enough care, not enough love, not enough attention, not enough peace, not enough connection, not enough time. There is abundance."

This quote reminds us to reject the scarcity mindset that has been ingrained in many aspects of our lives. Embracing an abundance mindset empowers us to believe that there is enough for everyone and encourages us to share our resources and uplift others.

Let’s talk about our third quote: "Our attention is multi-focused because we are continually trying to balance the needs of multiple people with our own needs. Even when we try to focus on ourselves, we tend to still focus on others and base our decisions on what those people might think."

In Set Boundaries, Find Peace, Nedra Glover Tawwab emphasizes the significance of setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. By taking care of ourselves first, we can better care for others without compromising our own well-being. We can work to avoid things like burn-out, which leads to resentment and lack of creativity. In order to operate as our highest, happiest selves, it is important that we not only set boundaries, but we also stick to them.

I’ve got a whole list of book recommendations for business owners. Check them out!!

This fourth quote returns us to the idea of rest by saying, “A relaxed body is a powerful body. A relaxed mind likewise is a powerful mind. If you are to be creative and receptive to new and bold ideas, then you must take time for these ideas to present themselves."

In Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, Dennis Kimbro emphasizes the importance of relaxation and taking time for ourselves. A relaxed state of mind and body enables us to be more creative, receptive, and open to new opportunities, which is essential to our very existence, not just our everyday survival. Our healing lies in this state of rest and relaxation.

Our fifth quote is from one of my favorite books, We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers.

"My chosen form of protest is to make money and use it to create the change I want to see in the world." Rachel Rodgers challenges the stigma around women’s financial success and encourages individuals to embrace their ability to create wealth as a means to support meaningful causes and enact positive change. Talking about money has become so uncomfortable, which is baffling when so many of us, including myself, enjoy shopping. In this book, Rodgers speaks about how many women lack confidence when it comes to making financial decisions, which keeps us all stagnant.

Those were just five quotes that I wanted to chat with you about. Find two more in this video from my popular Youtube channel!


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