9 Questions for a Black author: Interview with La-Verne Parris

I had the pleasure of interviewing the amazing La-Verne Parris and I am so inspired. It’s amazing how many cool people have crossed by path, be in my physical or cyber one, this year! Check out what she had to say about her motivation for writing!

1) Tell us what you do?

I’m a YA, Self-Help Author, Old School Illustrator (I use pencil and sketch pad), STEM/Racial & Social Justice Educator and published poet.

2) What motivates you to do what you do?

My brother has special needs and autism and that gives me the courage to pursue my dreams and claim my happiness. Ever since I was a child, being creative has always brought me the most joy. So I wrote Happiness Handbooks to help me, and others, grow and smile through life’s challenges. Having gone through several breakups, family crises, body issues and career changes, I knew I had two choices – I could pull the covers over my head, or I could move forward and design my life the way I wanted it to be. As a STEM educator, I approach self-awareness by organizing thoughts. I approach my illustrations the same way by using pencil and sketch pads to tap into my emotions and imagination. I want everyone, especially women and women of color, to know that self-love is all about our thoughts and attitude. We can choose happiness, and don’t we deserve that?

I loved learning more about what motivated La-Verne!

Her book has really changed my view on a lot of things!

3) This is a book blog, so I have to know: What are three books that have motivated you in

your journey through life?

· “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”, As Told To Alex Haley. Malcolm’s transformation from street hustler to autodidact philosopher and human rights activist is simply phenomenal. Malcom X always preached self-love through loving and honoring our ancestors, because they are we. And we are they.

· “BEING APART: Theoretical and Existential Resistance in Africana Literature”,  LaRose T. Parris. What can I say about my brilliant twin sister? LaRose’s book is truly a revolutionary philosophical masterpiece. I know, I edited it seven times! Seriously, anyone who reads my twin’s book will be astounded by our Africana philosophers’ creation of existentialist thought, which predates European philosophers’ writings by over 100 years.

· “The Art of Happiness”, His Holiness The Dalai Lama is vigilant about claiming his happiness. His country of Tibet was invaded by China in 1949 and annexed. Since that time, over 1.2 million out of 6 million Tibetans have been killed, over 6000 monastaries have been destroyed, and thousands of TIbetans have been imprisoned. And still, HH Dalai Lama’s mission is to spread the doctrine of happiness.

4) What are your favorite genres of books to read?

For Strength: Biographies / Autobiographies of my Ancestors & Heroes. Our ancestors are the true superheroes. The Igbo of Nigeria took control of the slave ship, drowned their captors and drowned themselves rather than live as slaves. Many know this story as the flying Africans legend. Our people are indomitable; we are indomitable. There is no greater joy than self-determination.

For Spiritual Cleansing & Healing: Books about La Siete Potencias, The Orishas, The Angels. I am relentless about raising my vibration and being in alignment – especially since I teach high school where the toxicity level is at Code Red almost on the daily!

For Fun: Science Fiction. I’ve been a trekkie since I was 8 years old watching Lieutenant Uhura, Mr. Spock and Captain Kirk on Channel 11 in the 70s! Just between you and me Sis, I’m certain a transporter beam exists somewhere! And If I remember correctly the line up was: The Honeymooners, Star Trek, then Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone. 

For Happiness: ALL of the above! A Sis needs variety!

5) From your amazing Instagram bio, I determined that you were an educator. Tell me about that part of your life?

Wow, what an insightful question! I’ve taught STEM in every NYC  public school system Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhattan and Queens — except Staten Island. Shout Out to Shaolin! Mi love mi bredrin, but just couldn’t get next to Fresh Kills Landfill! Seriously though, education was the profession where I felt the most seen and valued – and I’ve had several careers. As a black woman in STEM I am committed to honoring Frederick Douglass who said: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” My mission is to show my scholars who their ancestors were: explorers, scientists, philosophers, revolutionaries and innovators. Opening my scholars’ minds to their rich ancestral legacy brings me the greatest joy in the classroom. After returning to the classroom during the 2021-2022 school year, my Racial and Social Justice scholars wrote spoken word pieces about their heritage. Their passion coupled with their self-awareness was astounding. Reading their words fills my soul with joy because I know that they are ready to fight for their human rights and their own happiness.

6) You have written Happiness Handbooks. What do you want us to know about your book?

Happiness Hanbooks is actually six upful books in one. Each handbook includes humorous hacks and mindset tools on everything from ending toxic relationships and fighting fears, to increasing self-love.

7) What inspired you to write your book?

Well Sis, in the span of seven weeks I had a boyfriend, a fiance and a devastating breakup! After getting serious emotional whiplash, I took this book out of my file cabinet, dusted it off and updated it. If he hadn’t broken my heart, I would never have been so resolute about claiming my happiness. So, this book is really six thank you cards in one! After the pandemic and Trump opening Pandora’s Box of Pandemonium, don’t we all deserve a way to claim our joy?

8) What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t wait to become the artist you were born to be – time is precious – be happy!!!!

9) How can we best support you?

Thank you for asking how to support me! Share my book with a bestie, your family, or your chosen family. Flip through it and try some of the upful hacks and mindset tools. Let’s all love ourselves a little more each day, and actively find happiness by changing their thoughts. Pick up “Happiness Handbooks” on Amazon.com, Xlibris, and anywhere you buy your online books.  Please leave a rating/review on Xlibris.com, or Amazon. Love yourselves for who you are, and choose happiness! 

Also, coming soon: HappinessHeaven.com. This is my online store where you can find happiness merch focusing on self-love, body positivity, natural hair love and fighting fears: mugs, logo t-shirts, journals, hats, bags and hoodies. 

Follow me on Instagram: @lifecoachlaverne; Twitter: @LaVerne63; Facebook: @LaVerneParrisLifeCoach

Website: laverneparrislifecoach.com


Happiness Handbooks by La-Verne Parris: A Book Review


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