Black Romance Novels: 5 Scenes featuring EPIC Sexual Tension

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I want to talk to you about this moments where both characters realize that undeniable attraction. I’ve found my top five favorite scenes in the following books:

1)     The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon

2)   A Princess in Theory by Alyssa Cole

3)   Reckless by Selena Montgomery

4)   Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert

5)   Irresistable Forces by Brenda Jackson

There’s nothing like a great romance novel! Currently, it is my all-time favorite genre, though I promise to give my take on other types of books, as well. (Stay tuned for a piece on must-read spirituality books by Black authors. Those are really deep!) There’s just something about romance novels that keep me turning the pages. Each author may do it differently, however there is no good romance novel without scenes featuring sexual tension.

I may even go so far as to argue that a romance novel may still be great without sex, but sexual tension, such as when our two partners of interest find their attraction to one another, is just too much fun to witness. There will be an inevitable denial of the attraction, which also makes for great entertainment. Here are five books that captured great emotion during scenes of sexual tension.

1)     The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon

Samiah and Daniel are the main characters of this lovely book; they’re coworkers and one has a big secret. Needless to say, the presence of the other party made coming to work a lot more enjoyable.

The Boyfriend Project

This book was such a good one!

Hell, he couldn’t ignore her if he tried. He was aware of her every breath whenever he was near her.

That’s a lot going one at the 9am staff meeting, no?

  When chatting about how bored he must have been in the staff meeting, this occurred:


“It wasn’t all bad,” Daniel answered. “There were a few bright spots to being here.”


The crests of her deep brown cheeks darkened as she blushed.

That was it. Game over. As far as his power to resist was concerned, he would just stop trying. Figuring out how to best navigate this attraction would be a far more effective use of his mental energy when it came to Samiah Brooks.


WHEW! And that was that. The rest was truly history as the two continued to navigate chance encounters in the breakroom and water cooler.

 To check out a few other reasons why I love this book and others slightly similar to it, check out this blog entry.

 2)     A Princess in Theory by Alyssa Cole

This is one of my favorite books of all time. Alyssa Cole has a way with both words and characters that I cannot resist. Check out her book here!


I’ve read this book at least twice because I love it that much! It’s such a fun read that keeps me giggling, swooning, and turning pages.

Ledi is a brilliant scientist who literally meets her prince charming, who calls himself Jamal, when he is actually Prince Thabiso of Thesolo. What? Even fictional men are out here complicating the simplest things?! Yes, girl! They are!

There’s no denying the attraction between these two in this instalment of the Reluctant Royals series.


When she looked up at him, his gaze was on her face in general, and specifically honed in on her mouth. And then his eyes lifted to hers and the fluttering and fizzing spread from her chest to a portion of her anatomy that she was fairly certain wasn’t part of the respiratory and circulatory systems.


It get heavy in this book and let me tell you this was just the beginning.

3)     Reckless by Selena Montgomery


This book was written way back in 2008 and I must say that there is a big difference between romance novels of the early 2000’s and those of today and I’m looking forward to exploring those differences in a future blog post! This book has a great story that will pull you in and keep you turning pages, but it’s the unexpected attraction between Kell and Sheriff Calder that added even more intrigue to the story. Here’s when it all started:


With the sun in her eyes, he’d been handsome. Closer in, the ruggedly handsome face was extraordinary. Add in the way he said Miss with a drawl that was neither southern nor western, and she nearly forgot what they were discussing.


It sounds like Kell was resisting her attraction to the sheriff, and with good reason in this instance, which you’ll find out when you read the book!

  Meanwhile, in the Sheriff’s world….


He watched in fascination as color flushed her cheeks and bowed the mouth that would follow him into his dreams.


Personally, I love this type of dramatic description. It is evident that the two characters recognize how attractive the other party is, but the question remains: who will express said attraction first?

4)     Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert

  I would be lying if I said this wasn’t one of my favorite books that I’ve read this year. I’ve given reviews about it both here and here and I’m begging you to read it for yourself. It’s funny and deep on several levels. Talia Hibbert did an excellent job with this book!

This is one of the best books I’ve read all year! You have to check it out!!


She slapped his arm—his strong, strong arm, which was lean and corded with muscle, and currently getting up close and personal with her not remotely lean or muscular waist. It was an…interesting contrast, one she absolutely did not enjoy because that would be weird.


These two tried and tried to deny their attraction to one another. How do you think that went? Check out the book here to find out for yourself.

5)     Irresistable Forces by Brenda Jackson


Brenda Jackson is an OG romance author who I was introduced to by the books my mom read when I was a child. This woman can write and I haven’t met a book of hers that I haven’t loved. Also published in 2008, this book tells the story of Taylor and Dominic, two ultra-professional, ultra-attractive people who come up with a deal neither can resist.


She tried ignoring the warmth in her veins. Dominic was one of her clients and she had never met a man who radiated so much sensuality…..He was definitely the most gorgeous man she’d ever encountered.


It sounds like this man is just what Taylor needs, but you won’t believe the deal the two of them make in this steamy novel!


Those are just five examples of forceful attractions that some of my favorite authors have laid out. What are some of your favorites? Comment below to give me more books to read!


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