An Interview with a Business Owner | Ash of ReadHer Book Box

1) I can tell from your amazing Instagram page that you love books. Has this been a life-

long passion of yours?

Honestly, yes! I remember as a kid when I was in pre-K and I wanted to learn how to read. And

my mom told me to be patient and that I would learn next year in kindergarten. And it was like

once I learned, I didn’t want to stop! Ever since then books have always been a big thing for me.

As I’ve grown and gotten older the tropes have changed, but the passion for reading has stood

the test of time.

Look at this beautiful box! You need this in your life!

2) In your opinion, what makes a book worth reading?

To me books that are worth reading are well written, have a greater story to tell, and make you

feel good! I couldn’t imagine reading a book that bores me, confuses me and is overall just

draining. If anything, books should improve your day, inspire you, give you hope or affirm you.

If it is not doing any of these things, why am I reading it?

3) Do you have a favorite genre of books?

I think it’s obvious that my favorite genre is Black romance. As I’ve grown, it’s shifted. As a kid I

really just read anything I found interesting. I read a ton of R.L. Stine and Goosebumps. And

then as I got older I discovered authors like Eric Jerome Dickey, Zane, Brenda Jackson, Francis

Gray, and L.A. Banks. These authors highly influence my excitement to read Black stories. And

still, because the offerings weren’t as plentiful as they are now, I read a lot of mainstream

books like Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and even Twilight! But one day, I decided to give Kindle

Unlimited a chance and discovered Inevitable Conclusions by Christina C. Jones. And as they

say, the rest is history! I fell into the well that is Black romance and I haven’t been able to get

out since!

4) You have a very successful book subscription box company. Tell us about it.

ReadHer is a result of the passion I have for Black romance. Like others, during the pandemic I

had a lot more free time. And I ran across, Book of the Month. I thought the idea was cool, as

an avid reader, to get books in the mail. My issue, however, is that when I went to look at their

book offerings, they were not nearly as diverse as I needed them to be. I wasn’t excited about

reading any of the books. And I just had this moment of “why don’t I create one?”. And so

that’s how it started.

So ReadHer is a Bi-Monthly Book Subscription box. We feature a Black romance novel, written

by an independently published Black author. It's a mystery box, so recipients don’t know what

will come in the box. They’ll only know the theme. So for example, our August box was themed

Book Fair. So in the box we included 4 novelas, a custom notepad, readher pen, multi-use

pouch, a bookmark and a snack. Our most recent box in October was themed Cozy Season. This

box featured a novel, an e-book, a custom blanket, a custom mug, plus some cookies and a

discount for our holiday box (exclusively for our subscribers).

The overall idea for ReadHer is that it be an experience for women who read Black romance.

My hope is that through your box, you feel excitement, joy and a bit of self-care. Reading

romance isn’t meant to solve problems, its meant to give you a sense of joy, excitement and an

escape. I hope that the women who read receive our boxes get to experience that.

5) What is something you wish you knew before starting your company?

I honestly just wish I knew more business marketing. You can create a great brand, but if you

don’t know how to sell it to people or make people aware that it exist, its not going to make it.

So I wish I knew more about marketing. I also wish I knew more about business finance. I’m so

focused on making ReadHer a great experience, that its hard to watch the money!

6) As an educator, this is a question that I’ve often wondered about and would love to

get your take on: how can we inspire school aged children to fall in love with reading?

So honestly school aged children, are out of my wheelhouse! I work in higher education, so my

students are on average 18-24. But I will say, I’m a firm believer that people would read more if

the material they were reading was both interesting and relevant to them. I know we have a lot

of classic Black authors like Toni Morrison, Zora Neale Hurston, Alice Walker, James Baldwin

and many more, who changed the game! But I feel like some of their stories were for a

different generation. And in order for kids to get into reading, we can’t wait until they’re 15 or

16 for these stories to be appropriate. So I love seeing more and more children’s books with

Black children on the covers. I think that seeing themselves can inspire them to fall in love with

reading. And good stories of course!

7) How can we support you and your business?

As a small business, there are a couple of ways that folks can support: 1) Subscribing to

ReadHer! Of course increasing our subscriptions is a great way to help us grow. You not

only get a book box with a great novel and bookish stuff, you also support a small

business. 2) You can tell people about us! A lot of folks have found us on social media

because they randomly found us, or a friend posted about their box or someone told

them. Word of mouth is paramount because we trust what people say first over reviews

online! 3) Lastly, we’re launching book-ish merchandise soon, so even if you can’t

subscribe, buying something as small as a sticker or bookmark helps! :)


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