Book Vs Movie: The Perfect Find by Tia Williams

When it comes to books versus movies, which do you usually choose? Over the years, I have become completely fascinated with movies and television shows; I have a lot of series that I thoroughly enjoy and can binge watch for hours. I love seeing how stories unfold and have even considered creating a separate blog to talk about some of my favorite shows.

However, nothing beats a good book!

I saw the movie The Perfect Find for the short time it was on Netflix and I have recently read the book. The movie had one of my favorite actresses--Gabrielle Union-- in it, so I had to watch it, however I liked the book a lot more. It was almost as if the book and the movie told two separate stories.

The book was raw and contained a tinge of sadness. It explored the concept of interractial relationships, which the movie didn't touch at all. I don't want to give away too many spoilers, but I will say that the book may leave your mouth agape a few more times than the movie will.

Was Netflix not ill-prepared for the depth that Tia Williams is known for? With all the heavy topics that the platform is teeming with these days, was this too much?

I'm at a loss as to what process they went through to put this amazing book to film, and I highly recommend you check it out for yourself. It is a beautifully written book by the author of Seven Days in June, one of my all-time favorite books.

Grab a copy and tell me what you thought.


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